Millions of bacteria call your mouth home. Some are helpful and assist with digestion, while others are harmful—like the ones that lead to periodontal disease. Brushing and flossing prevent these bacteria from multiplying to excess and accumulating in plaque, which is a biofilm that our mouths produce every day. Neglect your daily oral hygiene, however, and plaque can begin to harden and become tartar, a calcified substance that requires professional cleaning in order to be removed.
In addition to these dental and oral health problems, gum disease is connected to several general health concerns as well. Bleeding gum tissue allows the bacteria responsible for periodontal disease to migrate to other areas of the body. Some of the systemic illnesses and diseases linked to gum disease include cardiovascular disease, hypertension, stroke, osteoporosis, diabetes, respiratory illnesses and low birth weight infants.
To reverse the effects of gum disease and stop the progression, Lovell Dental offers scaling and root planing. With scaling, one of our hygienists will remove plaque and tartar from above and below the gum line. Planing then smoothes the root surfaces of your teeth, so bacterial plaque and tartar are less likely to stick. A topical antibiotic can also be directly applied to gum tissue in order to better fight infection.
If you think you may need periodontal therapy, call the dentist Lovell, WY, trusts. Our office also serves patients in the surrounding areas of Greybull, Basin, Cowley, Deaver, Frannie, Manderson, Burlington, Byron, Powell, and Cody.
Learn More About Scaling & Root Planing
Gum recession is one of the most common symptoms of gum disease, and in addition to affecting the appearance of your smile, it can also make your teeth much more likely to experience decay, become loose, and eventually fall out! With this procedure, Dr. Anderson can use your own healthy gum tissue to restore the areas where it has been lost. In the end, it will give you a renewed, healthy, and beautiful smile.