Traditional dental implants are not the right solution for every smile, but many denture patients could benefit from the stability they provide. Fortunately, there is an alternative for people who are not eligible for or do not wish to undergo traditional implant dentistry: All-on-4® dental implants. This is a minimally-invasive method for replacing a whole row of missing teeth with a fixed implant-retained denture. Dr. Lance Anderson is your All-on-4® dentist in Lovell.
All-on-4® is an option for patients who have already lost or are soon to lose all of their teeth in the top or bottom jaw. Someone who has suffered from total tooth loss is what we call “edentulous.” Using the strategic placement of just four dental implants, fully edentulous patients have their complete smile rebuilt over the course of a single appointment.
With All-on-4®, two dental implants are placed in the front of the jaw, and two longer implants are angled on the side to provide maximum support from the jawbone. It is a method that has been shown to significantly improve the stability of a full denture while stabilizing the health of the jawbone at the same time.
Dental implants are the best option for replacing missing teeth. They improve oral health, overall health, and eliminate the stress and potential embarrassment of having a denture that slips around or falls out at inopportune moments. An implant-retained denture frees you from messy, bothersome denture adhesives or ineffective suction methods. And when properly maintained, dental implants can be expected to last the wearer’s lifetime.
The benefits of All-on-4® are plentiful, especially for patients who are not eligible for or do not wish to undergo lengthy procedures for traditional dental implants. For these people, All-on-4® stabilizes their denture, allowing them to eat, speak, and smile with confidence once again.
Some other advantages of this method include:
Are you wondering whether or not you are a good candidate for All-on-4®? If you are missing or are soon to lose a full row of teeth on your top or bottom jaw, All-on-4® could be an excellent solution for your denture. We warmly welcome patients from Lovell and all surrounding communities. Contact our office to schedule an appointment today!