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Why Dentistry Isn’t Covered by Medical Insurance

November 6, 2017

Woman with toothbrush and dental insurance signIf you have cataracts, your cataract surgery is covered by medical insurance, not vision insurance. If you need oral surgery, your medical insurance provider will not likely provide any benefits. Instead, you’ll need to rely on your dental insurance coverage, which will not likely cover the cost of these more advanced treatments. Many patients don’t understand why dental care does not receive serious consideration by medical insurance providers. Keep reading to learn more about dental treatments and how you can do your part to make sure medical insurance providers take oral health seriously.

Dr. Lance Anderson says gum recession causes tooth loss

April 4, 2016

Bleeding, swelling, recession--that’s gum disease, a major cause of tooth loss. Prevent or halt it with care from Lovell, WY family dentist, Lance Anderson.Fillings, Lovell, WY root canal therapy, crowns, fillings–these great restorative dental treatments shore up failing tooth structure. But, what if supportive dental tissues, that is, gums and bone, begin to fail? When gums and bone pull away, or recede from tooth surfaces, Dr. Lance Anderson, Lovell, WY family dentist, has the treatments to prevent worsening of gum disease and to successfully treat it. (more…)

Start 2015 with a Healthy Smile: Make Your Dental Checkup Appointment with Dr. Anderson Today!

January 6, 2015

181626949Even if your teeth and gums look and feel healthy, you still need to see a dentist regularly. Dr. Anderson can check for the dental problems that you may not be able to see or feel. Many oral health issues progress quietly and don’t become visible or cause any pain until they have already caused significant damage to your dental and overall health. You can protect yourself from these silent forces with a convenient dental checkup from Lovell Dental today. Scheduling a dental checkup appointment with Dr. Anderson is easy. Dr. Anderson is an experienced and gentle family dentist. Lovell Dental delivers high quality dental care daily to patients throughout Lovell, WY, the Big Horn County cities of Greybull, Basin, Cowley, Deaver, Frannie, Manderson, Burlington, Byron, the Park County cities of Powell and Cody, and the surrounding communities.

What Happens During a Dental Checkup?

  • Dental Cleaning: First, Dr. Anderson will use a small hand scaler or ultrasonic instrument to gently remove tartar buildup from your teeth. Then he will gently polish your teeth to remove any remaining plaque or staining.
  • Dental Hygiene Education: Next, Dr. Anderson will discuss any dental hygiene problems, and show you how to brush and floss more effectively if necessary.
  • Dental Exam: Then, Dr. Anderson will carefully examine your teeth, gums, and mouth, to look for signs of cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer. During the exam, Dr. Anderson may also measure the pockets between your teeth and gums to determine if any cavities are present. Dr. Anderson will also recommend an appropriate treatment if any problems are found.
  • Dental X-rays: If it’s your first visit with Lovell DentalDr. Anderson may also need to take x-rays to look for decay, gum disease, and other potential problems.

Lovell Dental Checkup Appointments

Semi- annual dental checkups can help you maintain a healthy smile. If you see him regularly, Dr. Anderson will be able to focus on preventing dental problems rather than fixing them. Skipping out on your regular dental checkups will only lead to bigger health issues and larger dental bills in the  future. Start your year off on the right foot. Make an appointment with Dr. Anderson for the dental checkup you need today. Lovell Dental proudly restores smiles daily throughout Lovell, WY, the Big Horn County cities of Greybull, Basin, Cowley, Deaver, Frannie, Manderson, Burlington, Byron, the Park County cities of Powell and Cody, and neighboring areas.