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Why Dentistry Isn’t Covered by Medical Insurance

November 6, 2017

Woman with toothbrush and dental insurance signIf you have cataracts, your cataract surgery is covered by medical insurance, not vision insurance. If you need oral surgery, your medical insurance provider will not likely provide any benefits. Instead, you’ll need to rely on your dental insurance coverage, which will not likely cover the cost of these more advanced treatments. Many patients don’t understand why dental care does not receive serious consideration by medical insurance providers. Keep reading to learn more about dental treatments and how you can do your part to make sure medical insurance providers take oral health seriously.

Use It or Lose It: Tips for Using Your Dental Insurance at Lovell, WY

November 12, 2015

family dentist

With the end of the year approaching, your dental insurance benefits are about to expire. If you’re fortunate to have dental insurance, then you need to know that this coverage is quite different from medical coverage. Unlike medical insurance which is designed to cover an illness or accident after it occurs, dental insurance is set up to encourage you to be proactive and see you dentist in order to avoid dental problems. With this in mind, Dr. Lance Anderson and the team at Lovell Dental in Lovell, WY, have a few ideas for how you can take advantage of your benefits between now and end of the year.