Many dentists say that the mouth is a gateway to the rest of the body. This is largely because the mouth can show early signs of disease that general doctors may not otherwise notice upon initial examination. A prime example of the mouth-body connection is Lyme disease? Lyme disease in Lovell cannot only affect the body, but the mouth as well. How so? Read on to find out.
What is Lyme Disease?
Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease typically transmitted through deer ticks. If you spend a lot of time in the woods, it is crucial that you make sure no ticks are on your body to prevent developing this potentially permanent condition. It’s characterized by a rash, headache, fever and chills. In some cases, arthritic, neurological and cardiac-related disorders can also develop as a result of bacteria transmitted by ticks. Rashes usually carry a bullseye pattern, so catching this early and seeking out treatment can make a big difference before flu-like symptoms begin.
What is the Connection to Oral Health?
The connection between Lyme disease and dental issues is a two-way street. While Lyme-related microbes can infest the root canals or damage teeth, certain metals in the mouth can also contribute to the symptoms related to Lyme disease. For example, dental toxicity can lead to symptoms you wouldn’t otherwise assume were caused by your oral health, including cognitive and behavioral problems. Dental work can strengthen infections caused by Lyme disease, which is why certain dental materials need to be taken into consideration. If you’re receiving dental crowns, braces or titanium implants, they could potentially aggravate your symptoms further if you have Lyme disease.
Additionally, root canal treatments can worsen infections related to Lyme disease. These procedures can increase the amount of low-grade inflammation and the risk for neurological symptoms, strokes, and cardiovascular disease.
What Should You Do?
The relationship between general wellness and oral health is a complicated one, which is why it’s so important to schedule regular appointments to both your general practitioner and dentist in Lovell. Always pay close attention to your Lyme disease symptoms in order to confirm that your current treatment plan is working. Do not rule out the possibility that your current dental work or recent treatment is affecting your body’s ability to properly fight off infections. When brushing, make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent accidentally wearing down restorations which can release toxic material into your body. Consider replacing all silver fillings with safer materials such as composite resin.
By following your doctor’s instructions and taking great care of your mouth, you can preserve your health and quality of life despite having Lyme disease!
About the Author
Dr. Lance Anderson earned his Doctor of Dental Medicine degree from the University of Louisville. He’s always paying close attention to the connection between oral and overall health in order to provide the most effective and appropriate treatment plan possible. If you’ve recently been diagnosed with Lyme disease, or if your treatment isn’t working as it should, a trip to the dentist might be exactly what you need, so contact him through his website.