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How to Handle a Lost Dental Filling

April 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 10:24 pm
dentist replacing lost dental filling

Losing a dental filling can be a frustrating experience, causing discomfort and uncertainty about what to do next. It’s important to take immediate action to address the situation and minimize any potential complications. By following the appropriate steps, you can regain control and ensure the best outcome for your dental health. Keep reading as we guide you through seven important steps to take when you lose a dental filling.


Some Common Procedures in Emergency Dentistry

February 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 8:50 am
A patient suffering a dental emergency

Urgent dental issues differ, but they still have common traits. That much is natural – they all involve teeth or gums! As such, a dental emergency is often treatable with one of several standard procedures. You can thus go into care with a sense of what to expect. To prove this claim, your local dentist even has evidence. Here, then, is a summary of four common procedures used in emergency dentistry.


How To: Stay On-Track with Invisalign During the Holidays

December 7, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 6:58 pm
Two women smiling while holiday shopping together

Waiting to achieve your smile goals can really test your patience, and the last thing you want is to add more weeks or months to your treatment plan. Unfortunately, many patients do end up falling off-track amid the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Don’t worry – here are four tips to help prevent that from happening!


Why You Should Get Your Fillings Before the Year Ends

November 16, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 10:42 pm
patient getting filling in Lovell

No one wants to get a filling, but sometimes it’s necessary for the sake of your oral health. You may need it to prevent further complications, like infections and tooth loss. If your dentist said you need a filling, you should get it done before the year ends. Not only will you repair your smile, but you can save money by maximizing your dental benefits! Read on to learn what happens if you don’t get fillings and how putting it off can lead to more expensive consequences down the line.


Use Your Dental Insurance Benefits to Avoid Gum Disease!

September 28, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 11:50 pm
Dental insurance form

Since you were a child, you have always been told that you need to brush and floss your teeth to prevent oral health issues, like gum disease. This condition is incredibly common with nearly half of American adults over the age of 30 suffering from it. Fortunately, with proper dental hygiene and routine care from your dentist, this issue can be prevented and eliminated. Continue reading to learn more about gum disease and why you should schedule your next checkup before the end of 2022.


Why Do Some People Have Dental Fear?

March 4, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 12:30 am
man looking scared in dental chair

Your cousin recently mentioned he hasn’t been to the dentist in four years. You were shocked to hear it and had to ask him why. When he responded that he just doesn’t think about it to make an appointment, that didn’t seem like a legitimate reason to you. He’s an adult and he’s going to make his own choices, but it got you thinking about others like him who never go in for an exam and cleaning. Some of these people must have dental fear and it’s just not something they want to admit. Keep reading to learn from your dentist in Lovell some of the reasons this is all too common and why it shouldn’t be.


Why There’s Reason to Cheer the Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

November 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 7:25 pm
mature woman smiling with veneers

Have you ever resorted to a “quick-fix” solution to a problem? In the movie Vegas Vacation, the main character plugs some holes in the Hoover Dam with his chewing gum. Later in his family’s hotel room, he sees a newscast announcing a flood at the dam!

While that’s certainly an extreme example, it shows that what may seem like an easy solution at first glance usually doesn’t have the staying power to get the job done in the long run. In the world of cosmetic dentistry, some solutions for your smile are more permanent than others.

Keep reading to learn about the many benefits of porcelain veneers.


To Avoid a Dental Emergency, Pass on These Items

October 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 8:25 pm
woman eating a lemon slice

A dental emergency usually catches people by surprise, but in retrospect maybe they were putting their teeth in harm’s way. There are items that definitely elevate your risk for teeth trouble just by putting them in your mouth.

Some might be surprising, while others are obvious. Keep reading to learn what items you can avoid to steer clear of a dental emergency.


Do Dental Implants Get Stained Similar to Real Teeth?

September 4, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 4:58 pm
woman holding dental implant during consultation

You just bought that new pair of aqua blue running shoes you’d been wanting, and you decide to wear them out of the store. It rained this morning, but you’re going to be careful.

You’re headed down the sidewalk to your car and – oh no – that darn truck sped by and splashed you! Your new shoes are already stained, what a bummer.

This unfortunate footwear situation is not unlike staining your new dental implants. Like any investment, you want to protect them the best you can. Do dental implants stain like real teeth? Keep reading to find out the answer, as well as how to take care of them.


What to Expect When Your Dental Implant Fails

July 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_anderson @ 4:51 pm
couple talking to their dentist about dental implants in Lovell

Has your dental implant been feeling a bit wobbly? Does it move around whenever you chew or talk? If so, your implant might have failed to heal properly. Although dental implant failure is quite rare, it should be addressed as soon as possible if it does occur. In most cases, the best way to preserve your oral health is to remove your failed dental implants in Lovell. If your dental implant has failed, here’s what you can expect during the treatment process.

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